Course Details

Krissh Chess Academy levels and course details

A Chess rating system is a system used in chess to calculate an estimate of the strength of the player based on his or her performance with other players this system is called Elo rating . It is named after its creator Arpad Elo, a Hungarian-American physics professor. Two players with equal ratings who play against each other are expected to score an equal number of wins.
Krissh chess Academy have 6 Major Levels , which is divided into 9 sections, we teach common chapters in group sessions and with the books, we have 15 types of training methods which will surely give the results in your game.

Pawn level – Absolute Beginner 1 , Beginner 2 & Advanced Beginner [ 0 – 600 ]


Every chess master was once a beginner.

- Irvin Chernev

Absolute Beginner 1

Introduction to Chess, we teach chess from the beginning how to arrange the pieces, points of the pieces, movements, naming squares , rules and regulations for the game how to attack , defend the pieces ,all the basic ideas of chess will be taught, puzzle book will be given to the child to practice the positions , after learning all this the kids will be able move the pieces correctly.

Beginner 2[0-400]

“Help your pieces so they can help you”
(Paul Morphy)

In this Level we start teaching them how to Develop the pieces using the opening rules and will teach them basic tactics like knight fork pin skewer checkmate with fewer pieces, after this level the kids will be able to play with some ideas in their game, how to gain a piece, Capturing, exchanging all kind of plans will start in their mind.

Advanced Beginner [400-600]

This Level kids will start with Many Figured checkmates, 2 move depth in tactics in Pin, Knight fork,skewer other tactical ideas we motivate the children to solve numerous puzzles to create thinking mind , this is the level the kids will be very excited to play more games , the kids will be ready to beat their dad at Chess!!
We conduct Krissh chess Academy Tournament to give practice for the kids to have tournament exposure , Legal / Illegal move regulations , and other preparations for the tournaments will be taught , All Set ready to go to tournament.

Knight Level

Chess is 99 percent tactics

- Teichmann

Intermediate 1 & 2 – Experiments starts!! [600 -1000]

After the Advanced beginner level the kids will be advised to go to open tournaments with our guidance, Kids will start fighting with other academy kids in tournaments, from this level the kids should actively participate in all weekend tournaments and should practice regularly, the Experiment part begins from this level, kids will have a mixed result in tournaments.
We teach more Tactics, Checkmating patterns, Motifs, Sacrificing,how to Manoeuvre and all kind of tactical Ideas, We analyse their games and suggest them to implement the tactical ideas in their game. Basic Endgames like King and pawn Endgames, Rook Endgames, and we teach them how to finish the games. And we show some Masters games to follow the ideas and planning. This Level divided into 2 sections Intermediate 1 & 2.

Bishop level

District Level Players/Advanced [1000 – 1200 ]

In this level we introduce some new openings, we teach sharp Openings and its plans how to continue, the opening traps and pitfalls the openings would yield a lot more results! But we give only 20% importance for opening, still middle game, strategy and endgame part needs more practice to improve your game, until 1800 level openings aren’t very important. So we concentrate more on middle game and tactics only,we will introduce the masters games to understand the Strategies, Middle game and Endgame theories,the Kids will be advised to study more master’s games to improve their game.
Individual Interest matters here the kid should try to see games, play and analyse and solve enormous number of puzzles to be active in their tactics, they should keep learning to go for the next levels we analyse their games that they played in tournaments to correct them with right moves and ideas.

Rook Level - Warriors [ 1200 – 1600 ]

This Level players take chess seriously and they won’t lose game with normal unorthodox players and this level players will be the chess hero in their small town or schools. So after the kids become serious in chess we will start teaching Endgames First!!


Openings teach you openings. Endgames teach you chess!

- Jose Raul Capablanca

In order to improve your game, you must study the endgame beforeeverything else, for whereas the endings can be studied andmastered by themselves, the middle game and the openingmust be studied in relation to the endgame

Warriors [ 1200 – 1600 ]

Endgame is the main subject and key on this level. Without endgame knowledge you can not complete the game or convert the advantage into a win so we teach more endgame chapters to the children to understand the endgame, “If you improve endgame knowledge your overall game strength will also improve you can gain 200-300 ELOs by studying Endgames “ said by famous chess books author Mark Dvoretsky, If you know endgame well it means that you already have some valuable weapon in your pocket, the advantage you get against your opponent if you know how to play endgame well and your opponent does not.
We teach the endgames depends on the kids level of understanding , Since we started basic endgame in the previous level itself ,we go little deep in Endgames King and Pawn Endgame, Rook endgames, Bishop Endgames and other essential endgames , in simple terms you cannot proceed without knowing the destinations ,likewise without endgame knowledge you cannot become a Good Chess Player. Of course we won’t miss the Tactical and Strategy part also.

Queen Level –The Commander (Rated /National Level Players [ 1600 – 1800 ]

If you got on this level it means you are already strong, very solid chess player which knows a lot about all stages of the game of chess. Keep working on your middle game, strategy and tactics. We improvise the training we give little tough practices like Blindfold chess ,
Simultaneous Play ( One person plays chess with many person at a time ) these practices will make them stronger in their game ,we motivate them to play blindfold chess often and solve the chess puzzles also without moving the pieces for deep calculation.
You are basically only see the chess board with no pieces on it, but you can move these empty squares and play chess (because you know that knights are on g1 and b1, Rooks are on a8 and h8 and so on). During the game you have to keep all the pieces in your head, since they are invisible which is hard in the beginning but over the time you will play good with blindfold chess also ,but remember practice this play with weak players first!!.
Blindfold chess helps to develop player’s visualization ability and eliminates most blunders. All Grand Masters are able to play blindfold chess well,Kids will be advised to go more Rating Tournaments to play for long hour games.

King Level – Champions[Rating1800 – 2000 ]

A man surprised is half beaten. – Proverb

The Final Level in our Academy , This is the Level your kid should have to focus more on Openings , The Players should create their own opening repertoire, you have to surprise your opponent with new opening moves and must be well updated with latest opening moves that played in the masters level . As in the proverb if your opponent is surprised and struggles in the Opening means your winning chances will be more brighter than your Opponent, this practice is called home preparation you will gain enormous confidence and you will have much time difference(extra time) in your chess clock to gain advantage in the game .The players have to choose the openings depends on the players style of play and their liking of the opening.
Ideally, you should know very well 2-3 openings for white and 2 for Black. The key to advancing to the expert level here is to analyse your own games. After the game, sit down with a chessboard, paper and pen and go over the game move by move writing down thoughts on your own and your opponent’s moves. Only then you may check your game with a chess engines software.
The number #1 mistake chess players make, they either do not analyse their games at all or analyse them by using chess program right away. This is a big mistake which slows down chess progress.The main idea of analysis is not to look at what computer thinks was a good move, but to look for that move yourself! Do the self analysis if you can’t find your mistake ask the Engine or the coach, but don’t ask the engine straight away.
. Also it is great idea to go over GM games and think them over. The best way to go over these high level games is to first go over all the moves without author’s comments and only second time read the comments and annotations. This works great with the openings too. This level you should seriously get in into the opening part.
After this level we advise the kids to go to the Next Level Coaching, We give further guidance for your Improvement.



Aside from being a relative delightful and fun game to play, there are so many different benefits to playing chess that people are not aware of. They are various ways in which chess can improve your child’s cognitive state. Let’s take a deeper look into how chess can help a child to improve their mind skills. Apparently, by engaging in this game, your child will be able to learn and master various skills and techniques that can instantly be applied to various aspects throughout their daily existence. Many parents will encourage their kid to engage in the game due to the advantages that it has in enhancing their cognitive being.

Chess is not just for kids! As far as adults are concerned, this game can also enhance your mental aspects about an individual as well. Chess will teach you how to take responsibility for your actions. It also encourages a player to develop an immense amount of patience. It acts on the principal that you think before you act. Also, chess can show you how to handle and predict the consequences of your actions. Players that make one wrong move can end up risking up their entire game.

Playing chess, your child can develop an immense amount of analytical skills that you might not be aware of. It will teach them how to weigh up pros and cons of a situation and how to decode something before making the right decision.
We provide mind development program for Kids like chess from basic to international level training, Abacus, Vedic Maths, Handwriting, Midbrain Activation and Calligraphy.


A strong memory, concentration, imagination, and a strong will is required to become a great Chess player”

- Bobby Fischer

Chess is a very complex sports to play. It needs more memory and a great capacity to acquire and store data. The players have to remember the Openings, positions patterns, Pawn structures , manoeuvring and masters games with so many various possible moves and variations for every game, players will have to follow and remember specific methods to get the benefit. As a result, it guides you to boost your memory. Chess will make you to think for every move, you will improve the game if you solve many positions a day , by solving positions puzzles your mind will be in an active state , it builds problem solving attitude , kids can start playing chess from the age of 4 or 5 years earlier you start, earlier you will have independent, self-confident child. Chess is the brilliant example of developing those skills. Let your child be confident, problem-solver through playing chess.


Chess demands total concentration.

- Bobby Fischer

Playing chess helps in patience and concentration. Without these qualities, you have chances to lose against your opponent, one of the reasons being that is involves long matches 3- 4 hours. This sport needs so much of remembering the concepts and strategies, so will not be able to succeed if you don’t have patience and concentration.This practice gives sitting tolerance and focussing on one game, hyper active kids will benefit by playing chess it will make them to slow down keep them cool maintain silence for a longer time with concentration .


Chess helps you to concentrate ,Improve your logical thinking , it teaches you to play by the rules and take responsibility for your actions , how to solve problem in an ascertain environment

- Garry Kasparov

Chess improves your learning level because it requires many strategies and a lot of logical thinking. The more you practice this sport, the more you can increase your knowledge level. This will also help you in other aspects and areas of both life and work.Chess teaches you how to handle the pieces when you are in upper hand ,in losing positions how to come out the problem , how to create plan , in which situation to wait or to attack , Sacrificing a piece to gain advantage. These strategies and planning will reflects in your life as well


Chess helps you to concentrate ,Improve your logical thinking , it teaches you to play by the rules and take responsibility for your actions , how to solve problem in an ascertain environment

- Garry Kasparov

This sport helps to improve your imagination and creativity as well. Chess has countless moves and so many possible lines to play with. We have to first visualise and imagine some position in our mind accordingly we have to plan our moves, by doing this our imagination and creativity increases and the minds of the chess players are constantly put to test.Due to this, if you frequently play chess, it will help you enhance your imagination and creativity in several different activities.


The Improved and well trained mind makes everything easy, you can literally see your kids improvement in overall academic performance not only maths, in all subjects the grasping power will be increased, they will do all their work more faster than they were before.The reading performance of students who took part in a chess program was tested and they were compared to the other students from various countries who don’t play chess. The result showed that kids who play chess showed positive improvement in reading abilities and overall performance.


Chess engages both right and left brains to come up with a complete strategy that is both creative and logical. The visual information processing part of the right brain picks out patterns, while the analytical left side chooses the most logical move According to a recent German study, people who play chess can identify geometric shapes and chess positions. Their brain’s left and right hemisphere was very active. Their reactions were same and simple but experts of chess were able to answer to the queries related to chess position.


Chess is such a mind challenging game; it actually helps in growth of dendrites. With more dendrites, the brain’s neural communication will be improved and becomes swifter. Consider your brain like a computer processor. The dendrites help to interact with the neurons, making the processor work quicker and optimally. One of the last parts of the brain to develop during adolescence is the prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for judgment, planning and self-control. Because playing chess requires strategic and critical thinking, it helps promote prefrontal cortex development and helps teenagers make better decisions in all areas of life.


Do intelligent people play chess or do chess make people intelligent a scientific study showed that playing chess can really increase a person’s intellectual coefficient. Another study made to 4000 Venezuelan students caused significant improvements in the coefficient intelligence. Scores of boys and girls after four months of learning chess was amazing it showed the improvement of their IQ Level.


As we grow older it becomes more important to give the brain the proper training. As with any other muscle group, constant training helps to keep it healthy and in shape. A recent study proved that people who are over 75 years old and practice sports that stimulate the brain are less likely to develop Alzheimer.The saying “using it or losing it” certainly applies here. In contrast with their contemporaries who don’t play chess, people who constantly do will have fewer memory problems in the future.


Chess is the art of analysis.

- Mikhail Botvinnik

Chess teaches you to think deeply analysing various moves and possibilities. If you want to be a good chess player you first know how to calculate the variations, possibilities, and teaches to analyse the moves during the game and after the game where was the mistake and how to correct your mistakes this attitude gives you to analyse well before you take any decision which will also reflect your life .


Chess teaches you how to formulate the plan using the tricks, how to plan to trap the pieces ,going to a checkmate, how to avoid problems for all these you need deep calculations and planning much moves before itself to gain advantage and maintain it.This forethought and planning thinking process gives you the confidence and influence in your personal life also.