Benefits of good handwriting

Handwriting is an essential skill for both children and adults for success Handwriting activates the brain since it involves more complex motor and cognitive skills.
Handwriting contributes to reading fluency because it activates visual perception of letters.
Handwriting is a predictor of success in other subjects, because good handwriting has a positive impact on grades.
Good handwriting helps you to keep focussed and motivated .
Illegible hand writing can result in loss of confidence and poor esteem. without legible hand writing, examiner has to decipher written text and candidate may lose marks .

Special coaching for Dylexia Children

Cursive writing helps students, both young and old, with dyslexia. Children can have a very hard time with writing in print because many of the letters look similar, particularly b and d. Also it can feel very uncomfortable and disjointed writing in print. Cursive writing offers each letter a very different look and allows the pupil to write in a flowing, comfortable way. This can decrease their dyslexic tendencies and make them more confident in their abilities.

Sample of Cursive hand writing

Children who master good hand writing are more creative writers.
Handwriting is crucial for note taking. Taking notes by hand is vital for all students of all ages because it improves attention, comprehension, retention and results.
Good handwriting is essential long after graduation. In our modern world, Jotting down a shopping list, writing a birthday card, taking down a phone message/email address/URL link, completing a form at the bank, filling out investment forms, filling out immigration forms etc..
Handwriting is an indicator of our personality and people make judgments about us.
Good writing skills makes you more desirable to the employer.
At Krissh Academy we train you to achieve a right cursive unique hand writing, which will become a part of your personality for rest of your life.

Calligraphy Class

Calligraphy is the beautiful art of drawing with letters Beautiful handwriting leaves a positive impression on you and this will be beneficial for academic growth, confidence boosting and also can be developed as a hobby or well paying profession
You can learn calligraphy with us at any age without any restrictions..Your knowledge, calligraphy skills and computer exposure can result in unlimited boundaries of creations. Modern calligraphy ranges from functional inscriptions and designs to fine-art.

Typical Applications:

Wedding or any kind of event invitations. Original handwritten logo designs. Visiting card design Graphic designs. Commissioned calligra phic art. Cut stone inscriptions Memorial documents.

Different Types of Calligraphy:

Western , Eastern Asian , Southern Asian and Islamic Benefits

Improves Mental health and develops positive attitude Saves time and money for creating personalized invitations Charismatic effect in personalised notes Hobby and carrier opportunities

Vedic Maths

Mathematics is the biggest nightmare to many students . Actually It is a quite interesting, fast , exciting, fun and magical life skill to be acquired by every one for success.
This technique helps in quick and simplified maths calculation and is not a solution for high end maths
Vedic maths helps who likes or unlike the calculation because it makes the learning of mathematics extremely easy and fast. Four Vedas has been compiled and gifted to human kind by Sri Vyasa Muni.

  • Rigveda
  • AtharvaVeda
  • Yajurveda
  • Samaveda

Technique of Vedic Maths is explained in 16 stanzas of Atharvaveda

Here are the ten Benefits of Vedic Maths

The most important benefit of Vedic maths is its simplicity and integration of rule which some time looks like magic to the student, and it creates interest in student to learn maths. Cumbersome problem can be solved through the Vedic mathematics in mind, so don’t need to write too much. The best benefit of Vedic maths is that, It gives You 10-15 times faster result as compared to the Western way of calculation. Vedic Mathematics techniques is very useful in the aptitude section of the competitive exam. No need to remember any formula and dependency on the calculator will become almost zero. By applying the concept of Vedic mathematics, one problem has many solutions. Most of the Vedic Mathematics Tricks apply to many types of problem, so it makes you creative to find the most efficient or fast techniques to solve your problem Quickly . It encourages the student to see his unique way to solve the problem. It activates all neurons and stimulates brain. Through the concept of digital roots, everybody can check the validity of answer to the question. Complex problem like Square, cube, Square root or Cubic root of the larger number can be solved through mentally if you learn Vedic mathematics.

Apart from the above Benefits , Vedic maths enhances your understanding of mathematics problem. It will be undoubtedly useful to the student throughout his life because it makes us believe that ” every problem has multiple easy solutions”.
Compiled by TCJ/Dec 2019 @ Chennai


Abacus was invented by ancient Chinese and is currently used worldwide as brain enhancement tool. since both hands are used in moving beads of instrument ,the brain sensors are activated.
An abacus instrument allows performing basic operations of math like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. It can also carry out operations such as counting up to decimal places, calculates sums having negative numbers etc. This instrument makes it very easy for children to learn maths easily. It also helps in retaining for a longer time. The mind develops a pictorial representation and in due course problems can be solved without abacus .
Children who learn the abacus achieve higher academic performance ,not only in arithmetic but also improve concentration., children becomes confident and becomes all rounder and becomes successful in all areas of life. Here we tap analytical potential of brain instead of calculator.

Mathematics provides the ideal exercise for our brain. Mathematics is fun with ABACUS . But many children fear mathematics. Abacus develops speed and accuracy in mathematics using very basic methods.

Our Abacus Training Program

Mental calculations:-addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, decimal, negative numbers, percentage, square root ,HCM,LCM etc Improve Reading , Writing and Calculation speed Improve Listening Power through dictation improve Concentration by flash card Improve Memory, Visualisation and Imagination Quick checking of Digital sum finding Date of any date Improving General Knowledge Building Confidence to appear competitive exams Improve Logical and Analytical thinking Improving Absorption power Overall Personality Development


Though, children have most organised life but they still suffer from minor stress and pressure , Abacus helps in providing them endurance for the stress and pressure they have to deal with. Enrol your kids in trusted krissh academy for the best results and relax.

Mid Brain activation

Midbrain Activation is the main factor for your child’s brain development

Midbrain activation is the hottest topic now. When we were kids, we read about super powers that we can see behind the wall. We have also seen in movies that a Kung – fu master can steer anything with his blindfolded eyes. Midbrain is a part of brain that included controlling function.
This act like a manager who controls the function of right and left brain. Our midbrain function well when we were a baby. After the age of 5, the midbrain becomes less active.
It also looses its capability to control the left and right brain. The manager become tired and lazy. Mid Brain activation training is one that is able to activate the brain waves called alpha theta in a child, where these waves are able to activate the Super Intuition, and this is directly proven. What makes it interesting, exciting is to make the Child Read, Write, paint and do some activities with his /her eyes closed.
The Children are able to read and do anything with eyes closed , such as guessing a card , colour, reading a newspaper’s headline , guessing something inside a closed box , something behind a wall , walking / cycling / Shooting with eyes closed , playing games on a PC with eyes closed etc . What about the left and right brain? This is the bigger brain, they still work well, but without the help of manager.
These two big brains compete each other. Depend on character and circumstances, one of the brains becomes a winner and the other become weaker.
It is a portion of the central nervous system associated with Vision, hearing, Motor Control, sleep / Wake etc.
It’s located below the cerebral cortex and above the Scientists have discovered an important mid zone in Humans brain which is called the Mid Brain, However the mid-brain is in its Hibernation state in most People.
Our Core objective is to awaken a child’s Brain by activating their Midbrain to Unleash their Potential where they can have an optimum way of learning by both brain’s Hemisphere

Children will surely enjoy this training.

Some benefits of learning Midbrain activation are

  • It improves imagination and creativity
  • It helps your child to concentrate and improves memory
  • It increases the absorption capability
  • Your child can have higher self confidence
  • It enhances your child’s emotional stability
  • Helps in sound sleep
  • Stress buster for your child

Drawing Classes

Everybody agrees that making art is an effective way to enhance creativity. But apart from boosting creativity, art also improves fine motor coordination. When an individual engages in any form of art as a hobby, dexterously handling a paintbrush ultimately leads to increased mobility in the muscles of hands and fingers. Other activities like tearing and scrunching paper, pinching clay into pits, threading beads, etc. are all ways to exercise fingers, hands, and wrists.

Motor skills improve as you gain dexterity; strength and flexibility; and hand and eye coordination after working with different kinds of objects and materials. The fine motor skills developed with art eventually become mental shortcuts that are implemented by our brain in day-to-day life.

Holding a paintbrush triggers your mind to start imagining. Your brain works precisely to envision vivid colors, striking places, people, and a lot more. Often you end up representing your emotions via your art.

Artistic skills play a significant role in the overall development of the brain. Involving oneself in some creative work quickly releases stress, and calms the temper. These activities are recommended for teenagers to ensure adequate brain development.

We hire Professional Drawing Teacher to make your children the Best Artist.


Phonics allows young readers to develop their reading comprehension. With practice, pupils' decoding skills become so automatic that they are able to concentrate on and easily understand the overall meaning of what they are reading.

Phonics also raises children's phonemic awareness. Extensive reading helps children broaden their vocabulary and general knowledge.

As children develop their reading skills and learn about people, places, and events outside of their own experience, they begin to imagine how they would feel in that situation

They see the world with new eyes and can better visualize the descriptions of what they read. A child who learns reading through phonics will have excellent phonemic awareness – which is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate letter symbols with their appropriate sound.

can better visualize the descriptions of what they read. A child who learns reading through phonics will have excellent phonemic awareness – which is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate letter symbols with their appropriate sound. The old saying “practice makes perfect” ties in well with phonics, as it is an important tool for children to develop reading fluency. Over time, children are able to develop into fluent readers who can quickly recognize familiar words and easily sound out new words they encounter